a haven for wildlife, look out for the native tammar wallaby while you are there. if you would like to learn a bit about rockingham itself and the history of the town then pop into the rockingham museum, it only costs a couple of bucks. ...
BTW according to your own standards Judah DEFIES the Leviate marriage by REFUSING to allow his son Shelah to marry bTammar/b. Thus Shelah HAS NO TYPE OF SEX with bTammar/b(natural or unnatural) and yet God DOES NOT KILL JUDAH for violating the Leviate Marriage b....../b Well I'm going off to bvacation/b& I thought I'd wrap this nonsense up & tie up a few loose ends. >Since you have not even shown a decent ability to read .... ROTFLOL!!! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. ...
Tanu meie vabatahtlikute koorijuhtidele Mati bTammaru/b ja Silvi Valge hoolsa ja innuka too eest on molemad koorid agaralt tegutsenud juba mitmed aastad. Praegult on aga segakooris tekkinud puudus just eriti sopran ja alt haalte ruhmades.